Our Philosophy 


Based on the output when undertaking a brainstorming exercise based on Christopher Lochhead, Follow Your Different's idea of 'I reject the premise.' Our team added the concept of 'I support the idea.' 

  1. I reject the premise that ‘fine’ is ok. Fine is a four letter word, that’s it.
  2. I reject the premise that people like me should keep quiet. We are all people ‘like me’ to someone else.
  3. I reject the premise that ‘normal’ is the standard. After almost 50 years on the planet, I’m still trying to meet someone normal.
  4. I reject the premise that if something is wrong, I can walk away and do nothing. Saying something, encourage, do something, pray – insert your own idea here  they are all as important as being the one that instigates change.
  5. I reject the premise that we should accept the status quo. Who defined what status quo is anyway?
  6. I reject the premise that system is working. Who is it working for?
  7. I reject the premise that only people in power can make change.
  8. I reject the premise that diversity, equity, and equality work is working. Yes, it took us to a certain place, but it time for something different.
  9. I reject the premise that as we focus on difference silos and further division is not created. Realising that everyone is different is key (even biological twins), let’s meet at points of connection.
  10. I reject the premise that the story being told to us by society, media, government, ourselves is acceptable. I think we can all become authors of the story that we want our lives to be.

If you are reading this I believe you are ready to belong and understand.

This is your invitation to belonging and understanding

  1. I support the idea that every one’s voice is important, even the voices you disagree with
    I support agreeing to disagree
  2. I support meeting at points of connection, not difference
  3. I support listening
  4. I support understanding the power of a question
  5. I support the power of silence and holding space
  6. I support asking 'stupid questions' so that we can understand each other better (side note – the only stupid question is one not asked)
  7. I support being a lifelong learner
  8. I support changing the language we use
  9. I support using the Amplify ApproachTM (being an advocate for yourself, ally for others, having a clear ambition (which can and will change over time), and being an ambassador for the work).

"Fearless means taking the first step even if you don't know where it will take you. It means being driven by a higher purpose rather than by applause. It means knowing that you reveal your character when you stand apart, more than when you stand with the crowd."

  Chadwick Boseman (1976-2020) 

Creating a field (literally and metaphorically) for people to belong and understand...

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,

there is a field. I’ll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.

Ideas, language, even the phrase “each other”
doesn’t make any sense.

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.

Don’t go back to sleep.

You must ask for what you really want.

Don’t go back to sleep.

People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.

The door is round and open.

Don’t go back to sleep.”

“A Great Wagon” by Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks

One of the inspirations for our work is the poet Rumi who we believe was one of the greatest humanitarians. He advocated for an elevated space of compassion and love

Language isn’t just a means of communication,” the writer and translator Sinan Antoon has said. “It’s a reservoir of memory, tradition, and heritage.” As conduits between two cultures, translators take on an inherently political project. They must figure out how to make, for instance, a thirteenth-century Persian poet comprehensible to a contemporary audience. But they have a responsibility to remain true to the original work—an act that, in the case of Rumi, would help readers to recognize that a Professor could also write some of the world’s mostly widely read love poetry.'

Did you receive the message?

Rumi advocated for creating an elevated space of compassion and love. 

We advocate for the basis of humanity to be in creating and supporting spaces for compassion and love. In a world where belonging and understanding can be difficult... 

We believe that if one person does not belong, no one belongs.

Welcome to the Centre for Belonging and Understanding.
